Who Are Evangelicals?

Evangelicals globally are incredibly diverse and vibrant people of faith! They are bound together by spiritual convictions that they consider ‘non-negotiable’, while acknowledging a wide variety of expressions in non-essential matters, such as their style of worship.

Evangelicals emphasize the importance of an individual and personal relationship with God that is not defined by any political, cultural or social association, nor automatically given by way of nominal membership of any specific denomination.

Instead, evangelicals are recognized by their high regard for the Bible as the Word of God that guides their daily lives; the conviction that salvation is only received by faith through Jesus Christ who died on the cross and was resurrected to life; that God is triune as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and a few other core beliefs as found in the above Statement of Faith.

Finally, evangelicals want to share the Good News (in Greek: evangelion) of Jesus Christ with others, serve those who are in need and speak up for the marginalized. Their highest commandment is to love God, and to love their neighbor as themselves.