WEC Hosts Younger Leaders Training, Presents Vision for Unity & Collaboration

Earlier this month, the World Evangelical Center (WEC) has hosted a four-day training program focused on inspiring and equipping younger leaders. The participants from all across the country listened to Bible lectures, benefited from mentoring sessions, engaged in group conversations, toured the facilities and learned more about the vision of WEC and the ministries that based there.

Several WEC leaders presented about their work and the purpose of WEC’s existence as a global mission hub that seeks to bring greater unity to the body of Christ. Rev. Mark Spisak, General Secretary of WEC, led the tour of the facilities and shared about the history and vision of WEC.

Additional presentations were made by WEC Chief Operating Officer Marian Rebro who explained about the different uses of the facilities, and WEC Chief Communications Officer Timothy Goropevsek who presented on global Christian media, with a special focus on the importance of media in highlighting the plight of those who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.

“We are very encouraged by the faith of these young leaders and their desire to dedicate their lives to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and building His Kingdom with their God-given gifts,” Rev. Spisak commented after the conclusion of the training. “We believe that by bringing them to WEC, sharing what God is doing in the different regions of the world and how WEC wishes to support evangelical churches and ministries in every country, participants are encouraged to see that they are part of something greater and that they belong to the global body of Christ.”

Further training programs, which will also include international participants, are already planned for later in the year.

