Renown Missiologist Dr. William L. Wagner Visits World Evangelical Center

Dr. William L. Wagner, renown missiologist and Director of the Olivet Institute for Global Strategic Studies, visited the World Evangelical Center in Dover for the first time since 2013, the same year the land was acquired by Olivet University.

Accompanied by WEC leaders and staff, he toured the facilities and testified about the beautiful transformation and the significant developments that had taken place over the past ten years. He also listened to the vision and plans for the WEC to serve as global mission hub for evangelicals and the various functions and departments that have been established to accomplish this purpose.

Dr. William Wagner (middle right) with Rev. David Jang (middle left) and WEC leaders in front of Bethel House at the World Evangelical Center.

After the tour, Dr. Wagner was greeted by Rev. David Jang at Bethel House and had a joyful time of fellowship. Rev. Jang, who founded OU almost 20 years ago and welcomed Dr. Wagner as the first senior faculty member in 2004, shared about God’s grace and faithfulness in allowing the establishment and growth of WEC as a center that serves the evangelical movement.

Dr. Wagner shared that it was very impressive seeing all the developments happening in Dover, and all the things that the Olivet movement has done under the leadership of Rev. Jang are truly remarkable.

Dr. Wagner offered a prayed of gratitude for God’s blessing of settling in the beautiful land of Dover, and as the Lord says, ‘from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.’ With all the blessings given, he said, Olivet will certainly be used greatly in fulfilling the Great Commission for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

The World Evangelical Center was first established by World Olivet Assembly together with the World Evangelical Alliance in 2010 in Binghamton, NY. A few years later, WEC moved to the Olivet University campus in Dover, NY where it continues to develop its 1,000 acre land.

